complaints process
If the valid complaint relates to the certified client:-
a) Certification Manager must ensure that the effectiveness of the certified management system is checked by competent auditor(s), who were not involved with the client previously.
b) The letter in question is sent to certified client within 30 days of receiving of complaint and recorded in the complaint register.
If the complaint is about certified client management system:-
a) The Certification Manager ensures that the effectiveness of the certified management system is checked by competent auditor(s)/person(s) who were not involved with the client previously.
b) The concerned auditors may be summoned to confirm the facts if it relates to certification activity.
c) After root cause analysis, method to eliminate cause of complaint would be arrived at and suitable corrective and preventive measures instituted.
d) If the complaint is against an officer of Impartial Assessments Private Limited (IAPL) including Certification Manager then it will be investigated by the chairman of the Impartial Committee.
e) The complaint shall be closed within 60 days of the receiving of the complaint.
Appeals process
1. Any aggrieved party can file the appeal within 30 days against the decision of IAPL by giving a notice in written or by mail to IAPL.
2. Certification Manager will acknowledge the receipt of the appeal and the same shall be entered in the appeal register.
3. The appeal shall be forwarded to the appeal panel for investigation.
4. The appeal panel can ask the information from the aggrieved party and from IAPL and both of the parties are bound to furnish the information within time limit as provided by the Appeal panel.
5. IAPL will provide the information to the appellant about the progress.
6. IAPL also provides the formal notice to the appellant that appeal panel decision and appeal handling process is completed.
7. The whole process of appeal shall be finished within 60 days of the filing the appeal. In case delay then IAPL shall justify the delay.